Why toddler daycare is so valuable
A good preparation for primary school? Absolutely! Your child learns and discovers all sorts of things through play.
"A great place for your toddler to develop. They think along with you and also let your child find their own way. And there are wonderful, kind staff. Our son had a great time there." – Ellen, mother of Jesse
Is it preschool or playgroup?
Preschool, playgroup, nursery, there are so many different names for it. Since 2018, preschool falls under the Childcare Act [Wet kinderopvang (Wko)]. Since then, the playgroup has ceased to exist and all playgroups, preschools and childcare centres are now the same in terms of organisation. You would think they would then only use one name. Nothing is further from the truth, however. Local authorities stipulate the requirements and conditions for preschool and they have their own names for these facilities. In Amsterdam, they call it ‘pre-primary school’ and in Amersfoort, they call it ‘kindergarten’.
"A lovely place for toddlers to develop themselves! Professional staff with a keen eye for children's development. Very involved and offer a great program where children learn a lot and are well-prepared for primary school. My child goes there with a big smile and comes home smiling too. Highly recommend!" – Roos, mother of Sara
Pre-school education (VE)
Every child deserves equal opportunities and a good start in school. That’s why we also offer locations for early pre-school education (VE).
VE Programs
We happily prepare children for primary school through our early childhood education programs. Through games, music, and creative activities, we increase their chances for a great start!
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